Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Day to Remember

Today started a little rough. Oliver's been sick all weekend and not getting any better. He's had a fever of 102 off and on, and no appetite. I called this morning and made an appointment for 11:00, which left us rushing to get ready and out the door. After a minor struggle to get on Oliver's jacket and shoes off to the car we went. I got O all buckled in, and jumped in the car. I then opened the garage door and pushed the engine button to learn the car didn't turn on. I quickly thought I grabbed the wrong purse with my keys, but there they were in the passenger seat. So I pushed the button again and again.. Nothing. The steering wheel was locked, and no lights would come on. I grabbed the keys and started pushing buttons but nothing happened. Luckily only a "Shoot" came out of my mouth, because Oliver started repeating, "shoot! shoot! shoot!" in the back seat non stop. It made me laugh even though I was pretty frazzled. Now it was 10 til 11, and I had already tried calling Jim with no luck. So I called the doctor's office and canceled the appointment. I later rescheduled and Jim came home so we had a car. Just before it was time for the appointment, Oliver's ear started oozing and he was cranky and upset. I convinced Jim to go with us, and I am so glad I did. The doctor noticed a bad wheezing which led to a 7 minute breathing treatment followed by 3 prescriptions including a steroid to help him breathe. Thank goodness Jim was there to help with the breathing treatment. I know I couldn't have done that by myself. Jim has an amazing way of calming O down, which was exactly what he needed.
But on to the part to remember.. At bed time, Oliver turned to me tonight and said clear as day, "love you" and blew a big kiss to me. My mouth dropped open I'm sure. I've been waiting to hear that for so long. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Does it get any better than that?? I don't think so.


  1. poor guy! how is he doing?

    Glad it turned out to be a sweet moment :)

  2. He's doing okay, but not great. Today was day 6 of not eating.. only milk and sometimes not that. Getting meds in him is torture. Hoping he'll turn the corner tomorrow, but he's getting really weak. Hope you guys are staying well. Hope to see you soon, so C can get his belated b-day present!

  3. Wow...rough day! Sorry to hear the little man isn't feeling well. Hope he gets better soon!

    Isn't it amazing how a day can be so rushed and just when nothing seems to be going as planned, one of those precious little things happens and at that moment the entire world seems 'right'?! :)

  4. Thanks, Jess! Yes, there just isn't anything better than hearing I love you's from your little one. Lea will be telling you before you know it! :)
