Friday, July 31, 2009

"Say What You Need To Say"

What is wrong with me?

Yesterday morning I was cleaning up Oliver's breakfast tray, and this commercial came on. John Mayer's song, "Say What You Need To Say" started playing, and there was this little girl with butterflies flying around her stomach because she was nervous about the first day of school. With the butterflies still in her stomach she gets on the bus, sits down and notices a Hallmark card in her bag. It said, "You Rock, love Mom." Immediately the butterflies were gone! By the end of the commercial I was sobbing uncontrollably. What the hell? Has anyone else seen this commercial? And more importantly, has anyone else turned on the waterworks because of it? Man, I hope so.

I instantly felt silly, but then I started wondering.. am I pregnant? Why would I act that way over a sappy commercial?? (no I'm not pregnant, but if I was I wouldn't feel like such a crazy person.)

Later, in response to my actions, I found myself looking up antidepressants while Oliver napped and began self diagnosing myself while reading medical sites. Knowing I had options made me feel better about things, even though I never had the courage to pick up the phone to call my doctor.. I wonder if they give samples?? Damn you Hallmark!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


21 days came and went. In a nut shell, it was a success. I lost 7 pounds in 21 days- whoop, whoop! My goal was 10 pounds, so I decided to keep the ball rolling, and I'm continuing to stay clear of the sweet stuff. Thanks for all the support.

In other news.. Today some great friends drove an hour and a half to help us paint the house. How amazing is that? We were able to finish the touch ups and can finally move on from primer and start the actual painting process. It meant so much to me that they came. Thank goodness for great friends!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 Months going on 16..

I find it amusing how slow time passes when you're a kid sitting in class.. but as soon as you become a parent- time literally flies. No fair.

Here's a picture of Oliver at 16 weeks, which really doesn't seem that long ago..

and one of him yesterday at 16 months. It's so amazing how much he's changed. I can almost picture him a grumpy/angry 16 year old teenager. :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

2 Weeks Down

Has it really been 14 days?  I thought 21 days would drag like a queen (heh), but it has actually flown by.  I guess being super busy has helped, but this no sugar thing isn't all that bad.  I'm losing weight, feeling good, and like the idea of knowing I can do something I put my mind to.

In other news, I have been busy priming our house all weekend.  Dad and I have been painting our butts off while Jim has been tiling the bathrooms.  Mom has been nice enough to watch Oliver.  We ran out of primer today, but we only lack the master bath- whooo hoo!  The depressing thing is then we'll have to start painting all over again- this time with color.  Painting is no fun- I won't even pretend that I like it.  It is up there with one of the worst jobs ever.  If you ever need help with a house project, please DO NOT contact me to paint.  I am willing to help in other areas, but no painting- please.  We're planning on keeping the downstairs all white with maybe a wall or two with color.  The upstairs will be a vanilla latte-ish color in most of the rooms.  Oliver's bathroom is going to be red.  I'm considering a purple in the guest bath (similar to the color we had in our condo back in the day).

Have a good week.

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Big Boy

Oliver is growing and changing every week it seems.  He loves to stack blocks, look at  books, do puzzles, and organize his toys.   I love to just sit back and watch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Going Strong

Just a quick update- I'm finishing up day 11 today, and I'm seeing results. I weighed in yesterday after my workout and I've lost 4 pounds. SWEET! 4 pounds in 11 days is awesome, and all I've done differently is passed on the sugary foods. Totally worth it.. but I still miss my sweets, and I can't get homemade cupcakes out of my head. I wish someone would have a birthday in say, 10 days..

Hope everyone had a great week!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 6

I'm about to wrap up day 6- and I'm oh so proud of myself.. no sweets, just delicious watermelon (how appropriate for the 4th).  We have spent the last two days priming the walls and ceilings at the house.  It is incredibly tedious and exhausting, but it does mean we're one step closer to moving in.  So, it hasn't been such an eventful 4th of July, but we did get lots done.

Last year this time we were swimming with our friends Laurie and Jenny, eating yummy food and watching fireworks on top of the old Romeo's building in Texas.  Was that really a year ago?  Oliver was such a tiny little guy then (not quite 4 months)- and he slept through the entire show of fireworks.  Funny, that's what he's doing now.  Next year he'll enjoy them for sure.

Happy 4th, Everyone!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 3 with a Recap of Day 2

Yeeeees. It's day 3, and I'm still kicking. I would like to give Starbucks the credit since without it, I may have not survived the entire day. There's nothing like an iced Red Eye around 3:30 to get me out of 2nd gear. Day 2 was a breeze. I was out and about all day yesterday while Mom watched Oliver, so I was too busy to think about food. It only got tough around 10:30 that night when I got really hungry and found 2 clementines and a banana just weren't cutting it. I resisted grabbing the bag of sugar and went to bed.

Day 3 started out great. I had a bowl of cereal and shared a handful of blueberries with Oliver. They were so tasty. I appreciated them more than I did 3 days ago that's for sure. Later on, I started feeling really blah and lacking the self esteem. I don't know if the no sugar thing had much to do with my emotional state, but I'm sure as hell going to blame it on that. That's where Starbucks came in.. Currently, I just finished dinner and treated myself to some avacado- DELISH. For dessert I think I'll munch on a banana.. and maybe some more blueberries.