Friday, May 29, 2009

Montessori School

 A few weeks back, Jim, Oliver and I went to check out the Montessori School.  We decided to meet the teachers and let Oliver explore the classrooms.  We left with an application, which has been sitting on my desk for over a week.  Last night I finished filling it out, and that's when it occurred to me... My lil man is going to school in the fall! Okay, so he'll only be 18 months... but he is so ready.  The child is a total sponge.  He's not even in grade school, and I'm already worried I won't be able to keep up when it comes to academics.  He absolutely amazes me with how much he understands.  I am ecstatic just thinking about all the amazing new things he's going to learn this year.  I can just picture him with his oversized book-bag on his back, lunch box in hand, and a cute little baseball cap on his handsome little head.  One word- PRECIOUS!  I wonder if he'll have a crush on any girls in the class or if he'll want to trade sandwiches with his buddies at lunch.  I wonder if he'll be outspoken or more reserved, or if he'll cry more than me on the first day of school?  Wow, I AM that Mom, aren't I?

For those of you interested in knowing more about the Montessori school, check out the videos on this site.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Boy's Best Friend

Meet Rufus.  Most of you know Rufus, he's been around for 6 years now- and after all WAS the center of my world.  That is until I adopted Otto (my Italian greyhound/Chihuahua) and of course had my first born, Oliver.  Both of these events rocked Rufus' world.  Rufus went every where with me- the grocery store, the mall, class, plane trips, you name it.  That all came to a screeching halt the minute Otto nervously walked through the door, and by the time Oliver arrived, Rufus pretty much checked out.  He managed to gain twice his weight (even while on a strict diet and only getting 1/4 cup twice a day.)  He started and continues to eat his own crap that has made him very sick on 2 occasions.  It really breaks my heart, because he's obviously dealing with some major doggie depression.   And yes, I feel guilty- I play a huge part in Rufus' sadness.  The hardest part is accepting that there is some truth in what all those people were saying when I was pregnant.  "Oh you just wait," they'd say.  "You won't love your dogs nearly as much after you have your child."  Yes and No.  I love my dogs as much as the day I brought them home, it's just a different love from what I have for my son.  Oliver comes first- I carried him for 9 months and birthed him.  But I still and will always adore my dogs.  They don't get nearly the amount of attention they did before Oliver, but now that Oliver is getting more independent and sleeping through the night, I can take more time and cuddle or play with them. 

The really sweet thing is, Oliver just adores Rufus.  Rufus is his buddy as far as he's concerned.  And Rufus will take all the attention he can these days.  Sometimes it's hard to say if Rufus is actually enjoying himself or not (he's such an ornery old cuss), but recently I've seen him and Oliver playing tug of war with a dog toy.  I think Rufus secretly loves little Oliver, but I don't think he'd ever admit it.  That's my Rufus.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Monkey See Monkey Do

Well, I learned something new about myself today.. and who better to let me know than Oliver K.  Apparently when I drink water or anything refreshing for that matter, I make a sigh after I take a sip.  I seriously never realized this before.. before Oliver started copying me!  Now he thinks it's SO funny to "sigh" after each sip.  What a ham this guy is.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where to begin

Lately I've had so much on my mind.  For those of you that don't know, we are remodeling an old 70's house in Apex and I'm dying to get my hands on it to start decorating.  What's disappointing about all this is I don't feel like I have the time to really research the pieces I want, the colors, the fabrics, etc.  I'm not the "copy what you see from the store or magazine" kind of girl.  I like unique pieces, preferably vintage- always have always will.  I have this grand plan of sewing lots of pillows and curtains with one of a kind fabrics, and finding furniture that you would think was made to be in our home.  Again there are many obstacles..  Time being the biggest, and money being the other.  I'm all about a good deal, too  There's just something rewarding about finding an amazing piece of furniture or anything for that matter at a great price.  So with that all being said, don't expect to come walking into our new home and seeing it all complete the day after we move in.  This is going to take us months if not years.  Luckily I enjoy the process as much as the final product.
Here's a picture of the house when we bought it.  And on the right is what we've done (so far) to the right side of the home.  We added a 2nd story and porch off our master bedroom.  They just completed the stone work on the front of the house- I'm in love. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Born Again Vegetarian

I've turned over a new leaf... again.  Friday I officially decided to become a Vegetarian for life. That's right- no more hamburgers, bb-q sandwiches, grilled chicken, etc.  GOOD RIDDANCE! I've been struggling with the decision for some time now, and last week I finally realized it was something I wanted to do for myself and for animals.. so I figured there's no time like the present.  It isn't that big of a deal when it comes to not eating the meat, it's learning to eat new things that possesses the biggest challenge.  For so long meat has been a staple in my diet- what on earth will I replace it with?  

Luckily I like a challenge.  And I love trying new things... problem is, my time is limited, and it's going to take a lot of time (in the beginning) to come up with yummy substitutes that are not only tasty, but also nutritious.  It's also going to entail reading every ingredient of every food I put in my mouth.  This is fine with me.  I like knowing what I'm putting in my body as it is, and now that I have a child, it's even more important.  He's way too precious to just give him any food.  And with that I mean, food with toxins, and over all crap.

Okay, enough of this.  It's making me hungry.  Here are some reasons why we should all go Vegetarian and or Vegan. (credit to Rebecca Saltsburg)

1) Your health: prevent disease. Meat-eating has been linked with cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and many other devastating diseases. By eliminating meat from your diet you can take a crucial step towards a long life of health and happiness.

2) Increased energy and endurance: A vegetarian diet improves your stamina, concentration, and sense of well-being. In one study, athletes who switched to a vegetarian diet improved their endurance to almost 3 times as much as those who remained carnivorous.

3) Avoid toxic food contaminants: Flesh foods are loaded with dangerous poisons and contaminants such as hormones, herbicides and pesticides, and antibiotics. As these toxins are all fat-soluble, they concentrate in the fatty flesh of the animals. Not to mention the viruses, bacteria and parasites such as salmonella, trichinella and other worms, and toxoplasmosis parasites.

4) Humans are by design vegetarian: our flat teeth are perfect for grinding grains and vegetables, not for tearing apart animal flesh. Similarly, our hands are designed for gathering, not for flesh-ripping. Our saliva contains the enzyme alpha-amylase, the sole purpose of which is to digest the complex carbohydrates in plant foods. (This enzyme is not found in the saliva of carnivores.) Basically we have all the right apparatus to consume vegetarian products, and none of the right apparatus for flesh foods.

5) Care for the environment: by improperly using animals for food, we are eating ourselves off the planet. The raising of animals specifically to kill them and eat them has resulted in incredible waste and devastation of our precious resources. Just one example of the consequences is the fact that due to plundering our farmlands to fatten animals for slaughter, over 4 million acres of cropland are being lost to erosion in this country every year.

6) Help end world hunger: every day forty thousand children on this planet needlessly starve to death. According to the Department of Agriculture statistics, one acre of land can grow 20,000 pounds of potatoes. That same acre of land, when used to grow cattlefeed, can produce less than 165 pounds of edible cow flesh.

7) Become a more peaceful person: when we consume animal flesh products we are necessarily at odds with nature and our fellow living beings. Consumption of flesh foods has been scientifically linked with violent and aggressive behavior.

8) Have compassion for animals: animals who are raised for slaughter needlessly experience incredible suffering throughout their life and death. Many people try not to think of the torturous experiences of the animal whose flesh ended up in their hamburger or on their dinner table. But if it is distasteful to think about, consider what it is like to experience it.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Well, I've been a slacker... but like they say, there's no time like the present to get back on the blogger wagon. So here goes.

Wow, what a wonderful weekend we had. It was my 2nd Mother's Day, and I couldn't have asked for more. We spent it at the beach with my family and we all got lots of sun and relaxation. Oliver enjoyed playing in the sand. I think he would have stayed out there all day if we had let him. Saturday morning Mom and I went for a jog on the beach. I jogged 7+ miles, (that's the longest I've ever run) and I felt great afterwards. Jim made a DELISH meal Saturday evening that we all pigged out on. Jim and Oliver surprised me with my very own iPhone. I had no idea, and I cannot wait to get it hooked up.  My friends will be so glad to know I will now have a phone that actually works!! Speaking of friends, when we got home Sunday evening I was surprised yet again by a bouquet of lilies and irises from my friend Jenn Shaw. It made my day.

I love being a mommy.  I can recall saying that a lot, but it's so true. It's definitely not easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Oliver teaches me new things every day about myself, and he helps me strive to be better in everything I do. Most importantly, he has shown me how to live in  the NOW. Life is so much more enjoyable that way. I am also so thankful to have a Mom that loves me and helps me as I go down this road of mommyhood.  I couldn't do it without her. (Love you Mom!)