Friday, February 5, 2010

Birthday in Review

This year snuck up on me, mainly because with the house remodel I lost quite a few months of my life.. In my mind it's the end of October because Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all a blur. The last time that happened to me was when Oliver was born. He was born March 15, so obviously St. Patty's Day came and went without my knowledge.. Then a week or so later Easter went by. I don't even think I heard the word Easter that year. I finally glazed over a calendar in May, but by then I was thinking it was Easter. You get the point- time has been speeding up on me ever since O was born.
Luckily I was reminded of my birthday a few weeks before. There's always someone to tell you, "someone has a birthday coming up." I'm usually that person- so needless to say I let myself down this year.
This birthday was very enjoyable, in fact I'm still celebrating. That's the joy of having a birthday at the end of the week- you technically get the entire weekend to celebrate.. at least at my house. Thursday evening Mom and Dad came over and we all went out to eat. My pick- Mexican. Everything there was delicious. I could have made a meal on the guacamole. But now, whenever I eat an avocado or guacamole, our friend Ed comes to mind. He stayed with us for a week this past summer to work on the house and he came downstairs to find me eating an avocado. The words, "You know those are fattening" slipped right out of his mouth. It was pretty funny, because you know I had a response to that. Those words always help me to have a little restraint when it comes to licking the guacamole bowl. (Thanks, Ed). Anyway, Oliver really enjoys Mexican food too. He is after all a Texan. But that night he really enjoyed our waitress, Christy. She was a cute 20 something college student that immediately caught the eye of my little man. Now, you hear all the time about young boys liking older girls, but this was ridiculous. He was seriously into this girl, and we all noticed it. She'd come over and his entire demeanor would change. When she spoke to him he got so bashful, but then when she'd walk away he'd want to talk to her. Don't worry, we captured a picture, or two. After dinner I opened presents and we played with O before he went to bed. Mom and Dad surprised me with a swing for our patio off our bedroom and a yummy mint ice-cream cake. One of the two were immediately enjoyed. It was a wonderful evening. Saturday Jim is taking me out while Mom and Dad watch Oliver. A night out is always fun, I've even been known to wear heels on those nights. Whoa. Here are some pics from the night of celebrating. Thanks to my amazing family for making me feel so special.

Family Shot
Enjoying the Guacamole
Enjoying his sundae
"The Look"
Crushing hard
Cheesing with Daddy
Opening presents
Blowing out the candles

Jim and I
Dad, Mom, and Me

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie. Happy (Belated) Birthday wishes to you. Ollie is getting so big, & You & Jim look wonderful. Love the beautiful snow pics, but wouldn't want to live in it. It's almond blossom time here. Just starting. We'll have white & pale pink blossoms galore in a week or so. Hugs to all of you. Di
