Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Teacup Piggies

Have you heard about the latest pet craze? Teacup Pigs! OMG, how freaking cute are they? Pigs are highly intelligent and bond well with humans. (reason enough not to eat them). In England people are paying about $1,100 for a pair. I'd take one in a minute, but I know Rufus would be pissed.

Here are a few facts about pigs:

Pigs live on average from 9-15 years
A full grown pig can drink up to 14 gallons of water a day
Pigs are more trainable than cats and dogs
Pigs rank #4 in animal intelligence behind chimps, dolphins, and elephants
Pigs have such a well developed sense of smell that they can easily find things underground
Pigs have no sweat glands, which is why they roll in mud to stay cool
Some pigs have straight tails and others have curly tails
Pigs are very social animals. They form close bonds with each other and other species
Pigs enjoy close contact
A pig can run a 7 minute mile- that's faster than me!

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