Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The 24 Month Check Up

Is it strange I look forward to these check ups? I really enjoy learning how much my little man has grown in a year and where he falls on the charts. I had high hopes for his height this time since he's been in the very low percentile since he was first born. Low and behold he came in at 54th percentile! Gotta love those growth spurts!! He's getting tall and lean, falling in at 27th percentile in weight. He did lose some weight when he was really sick a few weeks back, so that put him down quite a bit on the chart. He's still a happy and healthy little guy.. I couldn't ask for anything more. Check out those cute little skinny legs!!


  1. Oh girl- I was tempted. Let's just say my heart melted when he kissed O on the head. Seeing him is always one of the highlights of the visit! :)
