Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Creepy Easter Bunny Returns..

The Easter Bunny made quite an impression on us last year. Mainly because he was super creepy, but also because he failed to wear any pants. Oliver ended up getting his pants soaked during the egg hunt last year, so we chucked them for the picture.

But this year, the Bunny was extra creepy... borderline scary/inappropriate. We decided it was best not to get a picture of him with our innocent son. I did however snap a quick shot of him right before the egg hunt... And although you cannot tell from the pic, he was not wearing any pants.

Ready.. Set.. Go!

Oliver was very excited about the Easter egg hunt today, especially when I informed him of the candy that would be inside the eggs. Oliver discovered "chocolate" and "candy" over the last few months. Before you judge me, it is still something he rarely gets.. Honestly, don't you think I know candy has no place in a 2 year olds diet! But, there are those special occasion times and I let loose a little.
We were some of the first 25 people or so to get in line to enter the field which meant we had a good 15 minute wait before the actual hunt. Let's just say, patience does NOT run in my family. When it was finally time, all the kids took off. It all happened so fast, I don't think Oliver had a clue what was going on. Luckily his Mom has a competitive side. "Go buddy, go!" Oliver started picking up eggs while Jim held the Elmo basket. But instead of putting the eggs in the basket, Oliver starts trying to open them.. for the candy- My plan backfired. Anyway, he managed to find about a dozen before they were all gone. I got a few shots of him in action. He is one serious Easter egg hunter!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today Sara, Jenn and I went bridesmaid dress shopping. Who knew trying on dresses could be so exhausting! It was a fun day though, and I really enjoyed spending time with my girls. The morning started out rough in regards to seeing any dresses that had everything Sara wanted. We needed a few things.. A hot pink dress, tea length, and pockets! Let's just say there are a lot of ugly dresses out there and Jenn and I tried on about 6 or 7 each. After no luck we decided to break for lunch in Burlington. After a delicious meal at Olive Garden we decided to check out JC Penney, Belks, and Dillards. JC Penney had some cute shoes but not any great dresses. Belks didn't have much of anything. Dillards had a good selection of dresses, and in fact it had THE dress hanging on the clearance rack. SCORE! Here's the dress. Trendy- check. Hot Pink- check. Tea Length- check. Pockets- check. The picture really doesn't do it justice. It's a gorgeous dress and will go perfectly with Sara's wedding dress and love for pink.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The 24 Month Check Up

Is it strange I look forward to these check ups? I really enjoy learning how much my little man has grown in a year and where he falls on the charts. I had high hopes for his height this time since he's been in the very low percentile since he was first born. Low and behold he came in at 54th percentile! Gotta love those growth spurts!! He's getting tall and lean, falling in at 27th percentile in weight. He did lose some weight when he was really sick a few weeks back, so that put him down quite a bit on the chart. He's still a happy and healthy little guy.. I couldn't ask for anything more. Check out those cute little skinny legs!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Night Out with Dad

Tonight I got to spend a rare evening with just my Dad. It was so much fun. We went to dinner and saw the Hurricanes play the Bruins. It was a great game even though we lost. Oh well, it was a memorable evening nevertheless. I cannot remember the last time I've spent time with just my Dad. I loved every minute!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Terrific Two's

It's official, I am a (proud) Mother of a two year old. Oliver's day was filled with balloons, chocolate, family time, and a lot of love.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

An Eventful Saturday

This weekend we celebrated Oliver's 2nd birthday. Anna, (Oliver's Godmother) flew in from NY on Friday night to help us get ready for Saturday. We had fun icing/decorating the cake and cupcakes, blowing up 72 balloons, and hanging streamers. Oliver sensed the excitement when we woke up on Saturday. When he saw all the balloons and streamers he kept saying "party." He enjoyed spending time with Anna and jumping in the pool of balloons.
Everyone started arriving at 2:30. We had 11 kids at the party. I was worried it would get a little chaotic with that many kids, but they all played so well together. He opened so many wonderful and thoughtful gifts. Today he's been having so much fun playing with all his new toys that he wouldn't take a nap. I'm hoping he hasn't decided to ditch the nap thing now that he's a big boy.
Tomorrow is his actual birthday... 10:17 p.m. Texas time... the BIG 2! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OK! LOVE YOU!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's the Simple Things

This evening I went outside to bring the trash/recycle cans in (I know, I live an exciting life) and this lady slowed down in front of the house and pulled up our driveway. She introduced herself as one of our neighbors down the road and handed me a boat load of chocolate chip cookies with a blue bag and crayon colored heart taped on the front. She said she had tried dropping this off before, but we weren't home. She went on to tell me her 11 year old daughter made them to welcome us to the neighborhood. Precious.
The people in our neighborhood have been so kind. From all the goodies, offers to go for afternoon walks, to calling to see how Oliver was doing when he was sick- we have felt so welcomed...

Good thing too, cause I'm not moving again! ;)