Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Starbucks Can Suck It!

I have several addictions, and one of them since becoming a Mom has been coffee. Not just any coffee... Starbucks. It's not so much the coffee, but the espresso shot that I crave in my coffee. It can completely change my energy level from a low 2 to a 9 or 10 in just about 30 minutes flat. It is exactly what a Mom of an active 17 month old needs. Problem is, it gets pricy, and we are on a budget around here. So, I would limit myself to one or two a week, and only if I got my work out in for the day. It was an excellent motivator, and frankly a lifesaver. It definitely didn't hurt to have a drive thru Starbucks close by... all the temptations.

So there I was about a month ago driving up to the Starbucks about to order my usual grande iced red eye when I noticed the prices changed. It went from being an already over priced $2.69 to $2.96! What in the hell?! Okay, so it's only 20 something cents more, but it's the principle of the matter here. Why? Starbucks isn't losing money.. Greedy bastards. I was ticked. I'll show them I remember saying.. I'll find another coffee shop to go to, and I did. Booda beans was great, it was local and they had a place for kids to play. It was a bit of a drive, but a fun way for O and I to get out some afternoons. But good things always come to an end. Booda Beans closed the end of of July, but my addiction was still going strong. Starbucks was calling me back. So I went back, but I went less often. I convinced myself that it was like I was getting a coffee with flavoring (25 cents more), so it wasn't that big of a deal.. I just wasn't getting the flavoring. Then, 2 weeks ago shit hit the fan. They went up on the prices AGAIN! My mouth dropped when the lady said, that will be $3.20. WHAT?! I am not paying $3.20 for an iced coffee and 1 measly shot of espresso. I asked her what didn't go up in price, and her response was the hot coffee. ha! Add some ice and it's $1.50 more! That was it. That's what it took for me to break my addiction of Starbucks. I make my own coffee, and I make a 2nd pot in the afternoons. I'm thinking I might start researching some espresso makers too. Take that Starbucks! (but I'm just not that strong enough not to accept if you're buying.. just sayin.)

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