Friday, July 31, 2009

"Say What You Need To Say"

What is wrong with me?

Yesterday morning I was cleaning up Oliver's breakfast tray, and this commercial came on. John Mayer's song, "Say What You Need To Say" started playing, and there was this little girl with butterflies flying around her stomach because she was nervous about the first day of school. With the butterflies still in her stomach she gets on the bus, sits down and notices a Hallmark card in her bag. It said, "You Rock, love Mom." Immediately the butterflies were gone! By the end of the commercial I was sobbing uncontrollably. What the hell? Has anyone else seen this commercial? And more importantly, has anyone else turned on the waterworks because of it? Man, I hope so.

I instantly felt silly, but then I started wondering.. am I pregnant? Why would I act that way over a sappy commercial?? (no I'm not pregnant, but if I was I wouldn't feel like such a crazy person.)

Later, in response to my actions, I found myself looking up antidepressants while Oliver napped and began self diagnosing myself while reading medical sites. Knowing I had options made me feel better about things, even though I never had the courage to pick up the phone to call my doctor.. I wonder if they give samples?? Damn you Hallmark!

1 comment:

  1. I thought everyone cried at Hallmark commercials! It's natural, girlfriend! That's why they make them that way! You're just looking ahead 4-5 years when you send Ollie off to school. Of course someone had better send you a card then to help you get over that "first day of school" trauma. It's harder on Mom, than on child. Believe me. Hugs, Di
